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Gary Adrian Randall is a Florida-born artist living in Denver.


He creates art by digitally blending photography & hand-drawn graphic elements to create multimedia fantasy collages full of intricacy & grim detail. He uses a lot of color, but all of his work has a dark, real-world sensibility, and always includes thematic elements to tell a story. His inspirations are Tim Burton, Heironymous Bosch, and Lisa Frank.


His artistic career began in Tampa, Florida where he started a company called Square One, and put together large-scale art shows featuring up to 80+ artists. There were five total Square One art shows, and they went on to become one of the largest indoor art showcases in Florida.


After spending eight years in New York, he eventually figured out that as a digital artist, he was standing on a bridge between technology and art.


It then occurred to him that the best way to get his art seen by the masses was to beam it to everyone’s phone via a mobile game. He started a company called Seagull Fish Entertainment and is about to release his very first independent mobile art game, Enter the Reveries.



"It is the artist's duty to reflect the times"

-Nina Simone



Gary Adrian Randall. 2017. All Rights Reserved.

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